
  The Thirteen Families Who Rule the World Or the death of freedom on Earth.  All businesses and corporations on Earth, no matter how large or small can be traced up through various umbrella corporations to just thirteen dynastic families at the top of the pyramid! Now just think about that for a minute. Let that sink in! This is an easily researched fact. They own everything on Earth and they affect every single aspect of your life. When fuel goes up? Them! When you can't get the medication you need? Them! When you struggle to make ends meet? Them! When your whole life is destroyed because of a virus? Them? Who else? They are like evil gods, spoilt bored children, they have everything they will ever need or desire from birth, they hate us, so they conspire and scheme and consequently everything bad that happens around the world and many people die, has been orchestrated by these evil psychopathic creatures! Remember, they own absolutely EVERYTHING including YOU! The extremely elit