The Thirteen Families Who Rule the World

Or the death of freedom on Earth. 

All businesses and corporations on Earth, no matter how large or small can be traced up through various umbrella corporations to just thirteen dynastic families at the top of the pyramid! Now just think about that for a minute. Let that sink in! This is an easily researched fact. They own everything on Earth and they affect every single aspect of your life. When fuel goes up? Them! When you can't get the medication you need? Them! When you struggle to make ends meet? Them! When your whole life is destroyed because of a virus? Them? Who else? They are like evil gods, spoilt bored children, they have everything they will ever need or desire from birth, they hate us, so they conspire and scheme and consequently everything bad that happens around the world and many people die, has been orchestrated by these evil psychopathic creatures! Remember, they own absolutely EVERYTHING including YOU!
The extremely elitist organization known as the Council of the Thirteen Families orchestrates all of the major world events and as the name suggests, the council consists of the top thirteen most influential families on Earth. They control all banks, all media outlets, all governments and all nations, and they don't sit back and enjoy their wealth, because they are evil and have nothing but evil in their hearts and minds and they see us, the 99%, as a terrible threat to everything they are, everything they have, so they orchestrate everything in order to cement their position for themselves and their offspring. They stop at nothing to protect their interests and their agenda, their plans for the Earth and mankind.
This is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by this extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility.
The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. They believe that they alone are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they believe that they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods, or rather; ancient evil gods, and so consider themselves sovereign. They actually believe it is their divine right to rule over us and treat us with the impunity they feel.
The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the thirteen bloodline families (and their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as: the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also called the “Olympians”) and the Committee of 500 among others. See the list of families below.

  1. The Astor Bloodline
  2. The Bundy Bloodline
  3. The Collins Bloodline
  4. The DuPont Bloodline
  5. The Freeman Bloodline
  6. The Kennedy Bloodline
  7. The Li Bloodline
  8. The Onassis Bloodline
  9. The Reynolds Bloodline
  10. The Rockefeller Bloodline
  11. The Rothschild Bloodline
  12. The Russell Bloodline
  13. The Van Duyn Bloodline
Other prominent families, such as the Windsors (Saxe-Coburg) and the Saud family of Saudi Arabia are also part of this elite but a level lower than the thirteen listed.

If you Google 'Did John D Rockefella write The Masonic Creed?' You will find that so-called 'fact checkers' deny there is any proof, but these so-called fact checkers, in fact all fact checkers are actually employees of Reuters, and Reuters is ultimately owned by the Rockefella Foundation!
IF, and this is a BIG if, The Masonic Creed wasn't actually written by John D Rockefella, an oil tycoon and 33 degree freemason, who wrote and published other books, it makes no difference, it was certainly written by a very powerful freemason such as Rockefella and lays out clearly and precisely their evil plan for humanity! This is their agenda and it explains why we are going through all we are going through.
An increasing number of people are waking to the reality of the paradigm that is their world, their very own personal matrix - especially during the current bioweapon assault on mankind - and are becoming increasingly aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an elite 1%, but the Council of the 13 Families consists of less than 1% of the 1% elite, and nobody on Earth can apply for membership. 
Rank and file members of secret societies such as the freemasons are not members of these elite bloodlines, they don’t know who their masters are at the very top, the 33rd degree, and they have no idea what the real agenda is ie, eugenics and the creation of the new world order over a much reduced population of the world. They believe they are part of a benign charitable organisation.
All of these subjects can be found among easily found public domain documents and leaked papers. The truth is out there if you can be bothered to look for it! Many are thwarted by their own cognitive dissonance, the programming, that has pounded us all since birth, lays very deep in many people and it prevents them from questioning the official narrative!
Here is a list of the most important institutions that work hard to establish the new world order;

The City of London Financial Sector (controlled by the Rothschilds) – NOT actually a part of the UK

The US Federal Reserve (US private bank, owned by the Rothschilds) – NOT actually part of the USA

Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and scare tactics) – NOT part of Italy but an independent state within!

Washington D.C. (military, mind programming, brainwashing and depopulation) – a corporation and NOT actually, part of the USA


All of the above institutions function as individual states, operating under their own laws, hence there is no court of law on Earth that could ever prosecute them. They can only ever be stopped by the majority, in what can only be described as a world-wide revolution for freedom and I believe we are witnessing the beginning of this in the massive demonstrations all over the world on a daily basis right now. What? You didn't know about this? You didn't know that one demonstration in London was attended by a million people? Ask yourself why that is! Who owns and controls all media? 

The people are waking and are taking to the streets in massive numbers to do what they can to save the future of their children, for mankind from a horrific world of total tyrannical control by these psychopathic monsters!
The NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the skilful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear via all media. We are pounded with fearmongering lies everywhere we look, every minute of the day, everywhere we turn! It cannot be escaped, and the overt threats, the unwritten yet heavily hinted threat to the unvaccinated, that they they are coming for us all, is impossible to deny. The suicide rate around the world is through the roof, astronomical, many people are buckling under the weight of this darkness that engulfs them, they just can't face what is coming. But millions of us are preparing the hill on which we will fight and possible die on.  
The corporate portion of the NWO pyramid seems to be dominated first and foremost by Zionist Cabalist international bankers and the big pharmaceutical cartels. The acquisition and consolidation of ever greater wealth, natural resources, total political power, and control over others are the motivating forces which drives the decisions of the Illuminati. The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives throughout these endeavours are non issues for these monsters.
The sheer magnitude and complexity of the web of deceit surrounding the thirteen families and their legion of organisations involved in this evil plan is absolutely mind boggling and a far easier choice is to dismiss it all as nonsense and continue to live your life in comfortable denial warm and safe in your very own matrix.  Most people react with total disbelief and scepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with scepticism. The TV is a very powerful tool and has been implemented fully since its invention and placement into virtually every single dwelling in the world! Why do you think the things you watch on this idiot box are called 'programmes?'

TV has made it possible for the elites to enshrine lies as truth into the hearts and minds of the Earth's population. Most people still believe the attack on the twin towers was not an inside job! Most people still believe we went to the moon with the computer technology of less than a ZX Sinclair and tin foil! Even though the evidence is easily found if you look for it. One of their favourite little japes is to hide things in plain sight and they do this all the time. Research the moon landing and Stanley Kubrick. Dig deep, you will eventually dig out a so-called rabbit hole, but all you will find down that rabbit hole is truth! Much of it will be hard to take and will send you into a state of disbelief. You might not be able to cope, but if you can, you will begin to question everything, you will never again believe a word you are told from official sources. 
Our leaders all over the world, once they have risen to the top of their political ladders, are immediately taken to one side and given the harsh facts of their situation. Many will hapily comply - such as Theresa May, who never once looked worn down by it all and skipped about like a wooden puppet - others begin to look crushed and haggard, fearful for their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. Many go into politics for money and power, and these are the individuals who thrive when they learn what is going on, others go into politics because they are good people wanting to do good, they rarely rise to the top of the political ladder, but when they do, and they resist, they are dealt with, JFK being one prime example. 

Wars are profitable to the thirteen, diseases are profitable, Earth’s plundering is profitable, human slavery and inhumane working conditions are profitable, viruses and vaccines are profitable, every aspect of human suffering is vastly profitable to the thirteen and this is why they create war. One branch of the Rothschild family financed Napoleon, while another branch financed Britain, Germany, and the other nations in the Napoleonic wars. They have financed both sides in every major war since and made billions! Nations are still in debt from the so-called great wars. Who do you think they are in debt to? How much power does a nation have against these dark forces when they are massively in debt to them? None! The dark forces tell indebted nations on the brink of financial collapse that they will buy them out, take them over, run them from that point on, but as a sleeping partner and all these posh entitled individuals at the pinnacle of society happily acquiesce, maintaining their reputation and lofty place in society. This is how the powerful nations of the world were taken over and are to this day controlled. Create a pointless war using you political minions in power, fund both sides so when one side loses, you win! Indebt both sides on a massive scale so that in the not too distant future you can assume control over these bankrupt nations. Then repeat, over and over, as if you are playing a board game of world dominance.   
Mankind’s fate is hanging in the balance. We are very close to our complete and utter enslavement, it is almost game over. But! We could still easily smash their pyramid of power by simply uniting against their deception in a peaceful revolution of minds, hearts and souls worldwide, and this is already well under way! But the momentum needs to build! And quickly! Or all will be lost. 

We also have the good guys, the White Hats, waging war against the cabal behind the scenes, but these powerful people cannot save us, they can counter and make things awkward, but ultimately they will buckle under superior fire power! Only mankind can save itself now, we as a species must stand together and fight for our lives, this is world war three and most people don't even know that it's been raging for years! 

Ask yourself this one question; do I care enough about the future of my children to at least do some independent research away from the controlled media outlets, to see if any of this is true, instead of continuing to trust all those dubious looking creatures delivering the official narrative until it's just too late for both you and your loved ones, when you've known all along that there is something about them that deep down, you don't trust. You've known all along that these puppet monsters are harbouring dark hearts, that you just don't like the look of them and given the chance you wouldn't much like going for a drink with any of them. This is your gut instinct speaking to you and it is a very powerful tool that most have forgotten to implement and trust. These people are sick in the head and you've known it all along yet chosen to push it to the back of your mind. Well it's time to face up to your gut feeling and embrace it, because it is correct and when you research every single one of these players in the bioweapon assault on us, you will find confirmation that your gut instinct was right all along, you will find nothing but lies and deceit and dishonour among these new world order lackies. 

The faces of pure evil; 

Many have placed the lives of their loved ones into the hands of these monsters! Look at their faces and think about that! You took an unsafe unproven dangerous vaccination based on the so-called science of these monsters! REALLY?

True science is always questioned, it's how science works, find a scientific truth and take it forward, fake or pseudo-science must never be questioned as it will crumble, now think about their favourite motto; TRUST THE SCIENCE!  

Please stand with your people, who are bravely standing for freedom and remember the truth is your shield, wield it and march forward into battle.

We will stand again on January 22nd in London, please join us.
